Marriage - Part 11 - Broken Bronze Clasps - Lie #6 and #7

Lie #6: You will be like God...Knowing Good.

Lie #7: You will be like God...Knowing Evil.

These last two lying deceptions by Satan were intended to make Adam and Eve become like him, not like God. Knowing evil spoiled the good life God intended. Why? Because evil brings pain, grief, sadness, soreness, martyrdom, and sorrow. And if you don’t have the character of God to distinguish between what is good and what is evil, and to resist the evil, you will bring evil upon yourself and upon others just like Satan brought it upon Himself through sin and spread it to Adam and Eve! God the Father and Jesus Christ knew the results of evil, and now mankind would too—not just through knowledge, but sadly through experience because of their own choice to sin.

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