Welcome to COGWA
West Palm Beach, FL

Why do you go to church?

Is it for the relationships, the programs, the music, the worship? Those are all reasonable reasons. But the most important reason to attend church is to hear the truth of God taught directly from the pages of His inspired word “The Holy Bible.” Within the pages of that book we are given the answers to life’s most important questions. Why was I born? What does God teach us in how we are to live in order to achieve success and peace in this life and beyond? What happens to us after we die? These are merely three of the life altering questions God answers if we are willing to listen.

Following the example of Jesus and the New Testament Church, our congregation worships on Saturday and observes the annual Holy Days which are recorded in Leviticus 23. It is by observing these days that we more fully appreciate God’s plan of salvation for mankind and we prepare ourselves for service in the soon-coming Kingdom of God. If you would like to know more about us, I invite you to review our Fundamental Beliefs.

If you have an interest and would like to attend you are welcome. See our time and location of services. If you have questions or would like to discuss our beliefs I can be reached at either our services, by email (david.jackson@cogwa.org), or by phone 443-977-9898.

David Jackson, Pastor

The Last Enemy: What Really Happens After Death?

This life is all too fleeting, and we naturally want there to be something more. But how can we really know what happens beyond the great gulf of death? Chances are you’ve never found a satisfactory or convincing answer. Is death a terrifying reality to be feared, or is there a hopeful, satisfying answer to what happens after death?

View Web Booklet or Open Full Color PDF


Change Your Life!

Find out which changes the Bible says are most important and how they will make a difference in your life. Then experience for yourself the life God wants you to have—one full of meaning, satisfaction and joy!

Download this free booklet and start taking steps to improve your life right now!

The last book of the Bible gives us warning—and hope! Read our free booklet The Book of Revelation.

Recent Messages

In My Father’s House Are Many Mansions
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Be Ready For The Fall Holy Days
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FNL - Roles From Creation - Handout
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Marriage - Part 16 - ASD&R - Part 5 - Divorce...
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